Phone Dock

ABS 3D Print, 11′ x 4′ x 3’in

Over the course of this project, I went from being a complete beginner in Rhino to experimenting with advanced features.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

The phone docks viewing angle can be adjusted by placing the scroll counterweight in five discrete positions along the length (four in the front and one in the back). The counterweight can be opened to fill with your own ballast.

My initial idea had three main possibilities that I wanted to explore

  • The phone to rock back into the viewing position when the phone is placed
  • Play or fidget with the movement of the device
  • Create an interesting camera movement for filming or video calls
The first concepts were validated, and proportions were refined in foam before moving on with the final model.
Originally modeled in two halves, I changed it to one piece for printing efficiency. It was then sanded and painted.